Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Mistake Ignorance for Innocence

You are being lied to. You have not been given all the information. You have only seen or heard one side of the argument. You do not have enough information to make a logical judgment on the current events taking place in our society. I challenge you to read and research what you disagree with. Once you have researched these issues thoroughly, come to me and tell me where you stand and why in a logical sense. A lack of research and understanding on certain matters (ignorance) is the biggest enemy to progression in our country. There is no logic backing up a lot if the ideas that are being pushed by the majority.
There are so many great theorists and ideas. There are still great thinkers. There were great thinkers in our history. Someone needs to combine all of the great ideas into one grand theory. This grand theory needs to simplify all of these combined ideas, the ideas with potential need to be kept and any unrealistic portions thrown out. This grand theory needs to be marketed. Why is it that the media can only display right-winged lies.
If I were to ask you these questions, would you have answers:
What is socialism? What is communism? And how do they differ? (that’s right, they aren’t interchangeable) And what are the negative parts of each idea? Who was Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin?
What is involved in the Health Care Reform bill passed by Obama’s administration? What are the negatives of the bill?
What are the Bush Tax Cuts and the tax cuts for oil companies in place? How long have they been effective? What is the No Child Left Behind act?
What are your thoughts on the free-market system? Do you know the statistics of international trading? Do you know the numerous nations that the United States of America is in debt to?
Is there a correlation between level of education and religious beliefs? Could you explain your thoughts on nature vs nurture and which you believe has the most effect on an individual? (if your answer doesn’t include a little of both… your ignorant) What did Darwin really teach?
Who was Buddha? Jesus? Muhammad? What is Taoism? Who was Mao Zedong and what does the term Red China mean? Who was Ghandi?
Not that you should know all of these in depth, but my point is that the majority of people could only answer one, maybe two of these questions…. Even in the basic sense. I could have asked hundreds of other questions.
Here’s the sad part… I could ask questions about movies, tv shows, mainstream music, a new brand of phone or computer or video game and the American people will have a much easier time answering those questions. Why is this? BECAUSE AMERICANS DO NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT! AMERICANS CANNOT SEE PAST THE NOSE ON THEIR FUCKING IGNORANT FACE! They would rather watch American Fucking Idol, Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, celebrity gossip or Glenn Beck’s fucking joke of a program than to try and learn about why our nation is on a downward slope to a hell mess.
We would rather listen to and support artists that do not use their talents for charity or making a difference in the world. We would rather promote fucked up retards like Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson or Britney Spears than those that live their lives with dignity.
You see, I could go on for days asking WHY? Somebody is going to have to start questioning all of the ridiculous ways of our country. A group of individuals is going to have to rise up against this mess because that is the only way that this sick cycle will ever end. The republicans want it this way…. They want to keep you pinned down and ignorant. There is just one problem… the end to this reign will come very soon. The destruction of this nation is pending (not in a rapture sense). Capitalism is destined for destruction. You cannot keep shifting invisible money and stacking debt upon debt upon so many nations. The widening division of the rich and the poor and control of technology and corporation will fail…. It will explode in the face of those on top of the pyramid. It is just a matter of time.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jesus, the Capitalist

So, Harold Camping "miscalculated" and the rapture will actually occur in October. God made his "final judgement" on May 21st, so there is "no need to continue advertising the rapture," therefore, "Family Radio will only play Christian music and will have no other programming until Judgement Day."

At first, I wanted to call this guy an idiot or dumbass or retard, but you know what he is probably none of the above. In fact, Harold Camping is just a great capitalist businessman like Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church, who protests funerals and then places lawsuits against those who take to physical violence against them.

Anyway, this Camping guy is just using the stupidity and mental deficiency of Christians across the globe for monetary gain. Here's a nice quote of affirmation:

"Camping offered no clues about Family Radio's finances Monday, saying he could not estimate how much had been spent in advertising his prediction nor how much money the nonprofit had taken in as a result. In 2009, the nonprofit reported in IRS filings that it received $18.3 million in donations, and had assets of more than $104 million, including $34 million in stocks or other publicly traded securities."

Let me translate, this guy claims that the end of the world is coming and that they need to get the word out. Ignorant followers believe it and the money rolls in. Millions of dollars roll in, a few million roll into the pockets of Camping's family and a few million roll back out in the form of advertising the promised land. 

The fact that people actually believed in this apocalypse, the fact that people gave away everything, the fact that people tried to kill themselves or others, shows the unintelligence of so many Christians in our nation. I am afraid to have children that will grow up around people that are soooo oh soooo stupid. It's scary, such insanity is absolutely frightening.  


Friday, May 20, 2011

The Origin of Abortion

Prior to reading Pagan Meditations by Ginette Paris, I admit my opinion on abortion was ignorant and oblivious to the truth. In accordance with pro-life Christian ministers, I was only aware of one side to the argument and missing a major piece to the puzzle of abortion issues. I did not understand the arguments and ideas of pro-choice individuals until I was enthralled with the study of Artemis. I am proposing that an individual cannot understand or choose one side of the abortion debate without first learning of its origin. With the help of Paris’s book on such matters, I will explain why I found abortion to be acceptable against the wishes of Christianity. I will describe the nature of Artemis and why she sometimes found abortion to be necessary.
Due to the pure, wholesome and virgin nature of Artemis, Ginette Paris states that Artemis is closer in relation to Christianity than the debauchery and seductive ways of Aphrodite. Paris states in Pagan Meditations that “Artemisian spirituality is familiar to the priests and nuns of Catholic faith” (129). However, one of the biggest customs that are opposed by Christianity is that of abortion which originated through the powers of Artemis. Perhaps, these church members that are in opposition to pro-choice ideas do not realize that abortion can be ethical. I believe that terminating a fetus would be better than raising it up into a life of pain and abuse. We see situations everyday on our televisions about children being murdered, molested, beaten, starved and ignored. These sad stories could have been eliminated if the mothers to these children were informed about abortion.
The Catholic Church is one of the biggest antagonists of the pro-choice movement. Paris suggests that the Catholic Church is typical of stripping women of their rights in her book. She explains that “withholding from women the power of choice and the power to destroy, two powers of which men make great use” (140).  However, shouldn’t women who have “the power of giving life,” also have the “power of giving death” (140).
Many mothers have died because of these eccentric ideas posed by the Catholic Church and the fear of eternal damnation. In less likely situations, a woman must choose between her life and the life of her unborn child. The fear that the Church uses can greatly persuade in these types of scenarios. We must come to the realization that one life is no more important than another’s.
Another great argument brought up in the book Pagan Meditations is the threat posed to us due to overpopulation. The truth is that “overpopulation begins the moment that one child is unwanted” (142). Overcrowding can lower the well being and mirth of life. One of the most persuasive ideas that Paris suggests is the “we should send all our unloved, undernourished, prostituted, delinquent, suicidal and battered children to the Vatican” because of their forceful tactics. The argument doesn’t end with the suggestion of children being sent to the Vatican, but that “single mothers, crushed with solitude or poverty, should go and occupy the spacious and comfortable residences of priests” (142). We also find that studies have found “close links among overpopulation, overcrowding in the cities, unemployment, delinquency, the increase of suicide, rape, poverty” and many other issues (144).
We can better understand these ideas by looking at the myth of Artemis. Paris mentions that “Artemis forbids the hunter to wound an animal instead of killing it” and allowing the animal to suffer. This is compared to the abortion issue because Artemis believed that “one must sacrifice the fetus already marked by the rejection and hostility of those who should receive it with love” (141).

The Uninspired

Lao Tzu was a philosopher and spiritual leader in Chinese culture. His ancient Chinese name meant “old master” and he was the writer of Tao Te Ching and is credited as a leading organizer of Taoism. In this writing, Tzu gives advice on integrity, behavior, and how to walk in “the way.” However, Tao Te Ching gives the impression that Lao Tzu had been convinced on starting a revolution without a cause. Throughout the language he used, I find that Tzu is extremely passive, uninspired, and negative in his views.
            The first specific example from the text showing that Tzu was uninspired is when he states that a true sage “takes no action” and “uses no words.” This shows that he has no intention in becoming active in his beliefs and that if given the opportunity to share his thoughts in a spiritual confrontation that he would be the first to back down and say nothing. As stated in chapter thirty, Lao Tzu did not approve of war and therefore he did not feel strongly enough about defending his beliefs by a “show of arms.” To use an act of violence was known as “not walking in the way” according to his beliefs.  A good cause is worth fighting for, either in violence or non-violence protesting, which even a non-violent protest would take an argument of some sort.
            In chapter sixteen, Tzu discusses the importance of obtaining stillness and emptiness for the reason that we all return to our own roots or “destiny.” This is a very controversial statement, because essentially the decisions we make can change our destiny. Many philosophers believe in contrast that we make our own destiny. This idea of predestination vs. free will has also been disputed by Christian theologians for years. Studies show that almost twice as many Christians adopt the belief of free will over that of predestination (Melton 12).  Lao Tzu believes that we just simply live life and walk throughout it in emptiness, which seems very pessimistic. Almost as if he is saying that we should not strive for anything but to be content with stoicism and hopelessness.
            Also, there is an underlying feel that Tzu lacks emotion in Tao Te Ching. His passiveness seems as more of a long-term personality disorder than just a brief pessimistic phase. He believes that by doing nothing, you are protecting yourself from failure because he says if you “discard profit than there will be no more thieves” and various similar statements are found sporadically placed throughout. Keith Ward, who majored in religion and spirituality, stated “In completion of Tao Te Ching the reader will be emotionally void and inspired to do nothing” (Gifford Lecture Series).
            In conclusion, Lao Tzu kept a perfect balance of emotions to the point of mediocrity and a boring lifestyle. At times he was not beyond negativity. To make a difference in the lives of others, encouragement, optimism, and happiness are much more effective approaches. Though many admire his simplicity, many others argue that Lao Tzu’s passive, uninspired, and negative views have achieved no positive gain in today’s society.

Similarities between Jesus and Dionysus

                When first introduced to the mythological character of Dionysus, I could see how the god could easily be compared to the character of Jesus within modern Christianity. The basic knowledge that I had gained about Dionysus seemed to complete my ideas that Christianity was based on prior mythological stories and religions. Whether or not this is accurate, I am not going to discuss the truthfulness of each, but simply the similarities and differences between the two. Though I found many relations between Dionysian beliefs and Christianity, the more I learned the less I found them to be alike. My goal is to compare and contrast the two religions in depth by using Walter F. Otto’s book titled Dionysus: Myth and Cult and the King James Version of the Bible. I want to show that both religions have similar qualities and aren’t as different as some people may think.
                Beginning with birth, Dionysus was the “child of Zeus and a mortal woman”. This could be related to Christianity in the sense that Jesus was considered the son of God and born of the Virgin Mary. However, this does not mean that the birth of both deities were similar at all. Otto discusses how Zeus “took up the fruit of the womb” and placed Dionysus “in his divine body (65).” To shorten the long complicated story, Zeus had to protect his unborn son because Semele (mortal mother of Zeus) was struck with lightning. The Bible never speaks of Jesus being consumed within the Father for any period of time, but Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit inside of Mary (KJV, Mat. 1:18).
                Otto’s book also mentions that upon birth Dionysus “the bringer of joy, was predestined for suffering and death (65).” The book continues by saying “he brought not only blessedness but suffering, persecution, and destruction,” which could also describe the destiny that Christ was facing (66). In the New Testament of the Bible, Peter writes how it was “testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,” and the predestined death that must take place for the redemption of mankind (KJV, 1 Peter 1:11). Though both Jesus and Dionysus were at times full of sorrow and suffering, they also brought a fullness of life. When discussing the ecstasy of Dionysian madness, Otto makes it clear that life and death are close and nearly the same. He states, “Man’s experience tells him that wherever there are signs of life, death is in the offing (137).”
 The Bible states numerous times the idea that Jesus brings life through his death, for instance, the New Testament states that Christ “abolished death and hath brought life, and immortality (KJV, 2 Tim. 1:10).” The main focus of Otto’s book about Dionysus is often the relationship between both life and death, and he calls Dionysus the “twice-born one.”  Christ and Dionysus endure a death and rebirth, but in two totally different scenarios. Dionysus was “torn to pieces by the Titans” and later brought back to life. He was also hurled “into the bottom-less lake of Lerna” and later reappeared as a new-born (77). However, Jesus was crucified and resurrected from the dead after three days. This was meant to serve as proof that Jesus was the true son of God. Dionysus had overcome death to portray his own power and not so much to reflect the power of his father, Zeus.
There is a passage in the book of Romans that offers immortality to followers claiming that “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ (KJV, Rom. 6:23).” We have the ability to obtain this “eternal life” because of the sacrifice Jesus made. The eternal life spoken of in the Bible is not far from the immortality involved in the story of Dionysus. Semele, the mortal woman who bore Dionysus, later became immortal and received the name Thyone, which refers to “the new position of the mother freed from the realm of death by her son and crowned with immortality (71).” Later in Dionysus: Myth and Cult, there is another example of eternal life being given to the mortal wife of Dionysus. Ariadne was said to be the only one “worthy to stand at the side of Dionysus” and to be “raised by him into immortality (182).” The display of immortality being offered to mortal women in the myth of Dionysus could have influenced the idea of “eternal life” within Christianity.
Another popular topic used in comparing Dionysus with Jesus is the fact that Dionysus is considered “the wine god” and one of Christ’s miracles was that of changing the water into wine. The King James Version of the Bible tells us about Jesus and his disciples attending a wedding in Galilee where there was no wine. The wedding was where Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine (KJV, John 2). There is a similar incident mentioned in Otto’s book about Dionysus stating that “a miracle caused the wine to flow or vines to bloom and bear fruit in a few hours” at a significant festival (146). There are many instances where wine is mentioned in relation to Dionysus and there is an “ancient belief that a god reveals himself in wine (145).”  This can be said of Jesus’ miracle because God performed miracles through Jesus as proof of who he is. Wine was more important to Dionysian beliefs. Followers of Dionysus believed that wine could “raise up the spirit’ and they also believed that it “brings joy.”
Ancient Dionysian religion and modern Christianity share another similarity when it comes to the subject of wine. I could not help but notice that both religions mention that wine can have negative effects. Though Dionysian’s believed that wine had the ability to “comfort, and to bring bliss” they also believed it could lead to “deeds of violence” and “the madness of horror (150).” With Dionysus being the “god of wine,” the idea of opposite effects that wine caused showed the “duality” of the god. Also, the Bible condemns drunkenness throughout many passages and lists the drunkard along with fornicators, idolaters, and extortionists in 1 Corinthians 5:11 of the King James Version.
Much of what is mentioned in Otto’s book is about the “duality” of Dionysus. He is “the god of two forms (110).” Dionysus is life and death, joy and sorrow; he is both the ass and the lion, according to ancient belief. Everything about Dionysus is dual, as with the wine mentioned earlier. With much searching, I found that Christ could even be termed as being “dual.” Though Jesus granted many people “peace be unto you,” he also made statements like that of Matthew 10:34 of the Bible where he said “I came not to send peace, but a sword (KJV).” The term sword meant destruction and division. Jesus came to set man against one another and even man against his own family and blood. The destruction and division that Jesus “sent” is still prevalent in modern Christianity. We find that both gods are dual bringing both life and destruction.
Dionysus may be a more creative and artistic god, whereas Jesus had qualities that were more earthly like that of the natural man. However, Dionysian beliefs and Christianity share many similarities. I would go as far to say that the two are probably more alike than many people imagine. We have found that even Jesus had destructive qualities and a sense of “duality.”  We also discovered that stories of sex, drunkenness, life and death are not completely unfamiliar to the Bible. All these things are attributes to “Dionysian madness.”  This does not necessarily mean that the two are related, but it could show that some ideas of Christianity were derived from ancient myths.

Heroes Throughout the Ages

                Certainly, we all have our own ideas and concepts of a true hero. In the formation of a hero, there is a specific design of qualities that make the individual strong and courageous in the eyes of the ordinary. For some, a hero is supernatural with characteristics that are bizarre and abnormal. We often think of characters that have superior strength, psychic powers, or flying abilities as being heroic. Throughout time, there have only been stories and myths told of individuals with these specific powers, and even today, there is a cult following of comic book heroes like Superman and Batman. For those who ignore the places the imagination can reach, a hero is often a person that they know or a living person from generations before. A family member, a soldier, or religious figure can often be cited as heroes of our time.
                Ultimately, we choose our own personal hero because the individual either contains what we lack or has conquered that which we do not have the ability to fight ourselves. The book by Joseph Campbell titled The Hero with a Thousand Faces gives many examples of different heroes and the qualities they possess. Throughout this document, I will take various characters from Campbell’s writing and give prototypical individuals that would consider those characters as being heroic.
                Buddha is one of the more popular figures mentioned that is certainly cited as a hero to many. Those who desire peace within from the distractions and materialism of this earth would be most likely to take refuge in the teachings of Buddha. Those who seek a hero that has conquered the fears and distractions of this world to find a refuge of peace should use Buddha’s teachings for enlightenment. If a person has been caught amongst denominational wars within the Christian doctrine and the contradictions of church beliefs, these former believers may eventually seek solitude elsewhere.  I am proposing that these individuals could be likely to turn to Buddhism on their path to serenity.
                When discussing the matters of finding a “doctrine of universal love,” Campbell mentions that we must turn our mind to “the other great (and much older) universal communion: that of the Buddha, where the primary word still is peace (159).” People who have turned away from Christianity will still find that Buddha’s teachings display that happiness does not come from materialism. Compassion and peace are found more often within the concept of Buddhist beliefs than the beliefs of Christianity. Mortal men that are searching for the religion that “fits” may find it hard to avoid the idea of Nirvana and its “extinguishing of the Threefold Fire of Desire, Hostility, and Delusion.” Buddha seems to be more of a hero than the god that many people portray him as. Perhaps, Buddha is the hero that has saved individuals from noise and confusion in their lives.
                Another familiar story that is passed on by Campbell is that of King Midas. The story of Midas pertains to those who have found emptiness in money and materialism. Though King Midas made the poorest decisions, he could also be viewed as a hero. After all, many heroes have been known to have tragic flaws like the “Midas touch.” This King lost sight of what was important in life and his lust for wealth (gold) caused him to lose much more than he would ever gain. Though his daughter was turned to gold instantly, you can be certain that King Midas learned a unique lesson on excessive wealth and a valuable lesson at that. The daughter’s life was worth more to King Midas than the gold statue in which she was trapped. Whether an individual is trying to escape a wealthy lifestyle or views riches as mere emptiness, you can be certain that they find Midas to be an enlightening hero. They would realize the truth of the Japanese proverb that says “The gods only laugh when men pray to them for wealth.”
                Though not a main focus in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, I found the topic of Jonathan Edwards unavoidable. Jonathan Edwards is not a god or a mythological figure, but I am sure many would argue that his outrageous views of the Christian god are myths. Using fear, Edwards states “The God holds you over the Pit of Hell, much as one holds a Spider or some loathsome Insect over the Fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked.” As stated previously, religious figures can be considered heroes of our time and the uptight, ill-tempered Jonathan Edwards is no exception. My proposition for an individual that would view Pastor Edwards as heroic would be an individual that cannot cope with others that they view as immoral. People who cannot live harmoniously with others because they do not follow the same thought patterns or way of thinking may also find Edwards work as noble. However, most people who come into contact with Edwards work will not be scared into submission, but be pushed farther from it.
                While on the topic of Christianity, Job is a Biblical character that could be a hero in modern society as well. Campbell retells the story of Job. He tells how Job is “a simple and upright man, and fearing God, and avoiding evil.” Job was a wealthy man with a joyous family and he was ethical in all business. Then his life took a swift turn for the worse. Job lost nearly everything and was left in sorrow without any answers. Job was persecuted as though he deserved to be stricken down by the might of God. His friends declared “with a pious faith in God’s justice, that Job must have done some evil to have deserved to be so frightfully afflicted.”
Job withstood persecution and endured the loss of nearly everything, all while never doubting his faith. All this happened to Job and God did not give any inclination to his intentions or reason for Job’s suffering. Campbell suggests that this occurred simply to show “that man cannot measure the will of God.” Regardless of the reason Job was forced to endure such tragedy, we view his life as that of a hero. We like to look at example stories of Job and such, when we need encouragement. Job is a true hero for those who have been faced with a major loss in their lifetime. Down-trodden individuals will need a story that shows the destruction and rebuilding of a character like Job. Those who are holding firm and brave in the midst of defeat can remember Job as a hero that faced much worse circumstances.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux would be considered a hero to those who admire purity and the persistence of guarding one’s virginity. Bernard of Clairvaux is probably a worthy example for lifestyles of monks, nuns, and priests who must remain pure in thought and prevail in their devotion to god. The Hero with a Thousand Faces gives examples of various women and their attempts to seduce Bernard. He remained pure and never gave in to their beauty, even when they would throw themselves at him in nakedness.  
However, the story continues to warn of the persistence of lust and how it followed Bernard through the “monastery walls” and “not even the remoteness of the desert, can defend against the female presences.” Uncertainty can arise when thinking of the story based on Saint Bernard and whether he remained pure or not throughout his lifetime. I am sure that Saint Bernard of Clairvaux is as good of a hero as any when it comes to enduring with purity.
The last hero that I choose to discuss is the Chinese philosopher Ko Hung that spent his “latter years of a long lifetime preparing pills of immortality.” His venture to design a medicine that returns an old decrepit body back to youthful strength was a valid attempt. Ko Hung created a concoction that could eventually bring eternal life. “White hair will turn black, decayed teeth will grow again, and the body will become sleek and glistening.” Hung believed that if taken “constantly” then the individual “will not die.” This myth of a man who passed on to the “realm of the immortals” is an acceptable hero to doctors and pharmacists today with their attempts to prolong life, sustain youthfulness and find cures. Based on the story of Ko Hung, scientists dream of discovering an eternal life through medicine.
In conclusion, not all individuals have the same visions or ideas of what it means to be a hero or the qualities in which a hero should possess. Heroes can be living in the now or they can be mythological characters of stories passed down. Heroes can be strong and courageous with superior abilities. They can also have tragic flaws and even die in the midst of their struggles. We choose our personal hero because the individual either contains what we lack on physical, mental, and psychological levels, or because the hero has conquered something that we do not have the ability to accomplish ourselves.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Top Shows

I have seen a lot of concerts, most of which were a waste of time. However, I comprised a list of my favorite performers in order from best to worst concerts. I would say that all artists listed after Sara Groves, I would not sit through again. I also indicated the number of shows I have seen by each artist, if I have seen them more than once. I am hoping to see more non-Christian artists in the future. Also, Jars of Clay puts on an amazing show, but John Mayer's guitar and Brett Dennen's relationship with his fans cannot be topped. Let's just hope Jars can redeem themselves from the mediocrity that they have fallen victim to.

Brett Dennen
John Mayer
Jars of Clay (x5)
Skillet (x2)
Kenny Chesney
Matt Wertz
Hawk Nelson (x4)
Relient K
Thousand Foot Krutch (x2)
Michael Franti and Spearhead 
Sara Groves
Sanctus Real
Barlow Girl
Kate York
Falling Up
The Black Letter
Seventh Day Slumber (x2)
Jeremy Camp (x2)
Toby Mac
Alabaster Box
David Crowder
Our Hearts Hero
Casting Crowns
Steven Curtis Chapman
Family Force 5
Chris Tomlin (x2)

Random Lyric

"All of my heroes have been slained, exiled, or put in prison
Because they rose above the mess and because their power posed a threat
And because they spoke of something else when everybody else didn't"

From the song "She's Mine" by Brett Dennen

Concert Review

Brett Dennen w/ Dawes
Orange Peel in Asheville, NC on May 15, 2011

                I first heard of Brett Dennen just after the release of his self-titled debut album. Brett Dennen was touring alongside Tristan Prettyman  and I stumbled upon his tracks through Prettyman’s mention of the essentially unheard indie artist. At the time, I was not completely sold on the laid-back folk-rock style, but Dennen’s smooth vocals, catchy melodies and deep lyrics had captivated my spirit. With the first album release, I wasn’t sure if Dennen was a fluke or not, but something led me to think that I just may be hearing more from this guy in the future and time would only tell.
                Dennen’s sophomore project So Much More was the album that gained exposure and gave Brett a wider fanbase. His songs were featured on television shows, such as: Grey’s Anatomy, House and Scrubs. The album was more diverse in style from his self-titled release and Dennen had developed lyrics that had caught the ears of hipsters all over the US.
                With the release of Hope for the Hopeless in 2008, Dennen’s style seemed to remain stagnant in the same vein as So Much More. This was not a bad thing at all, because the fans had received what seemed almost like a continuation or a part 2 of the album that had reeled them in. “Make You Crazy” gained Dennen further mainstream exposure and “Heaven” became a defining anthem for the fans.
                The growing fanbase, increased exposure, and limitless mainstream opportunities that the first three albums had brought about had me wondering if Dennen would “sell out” to the media. Dennen had toured with Jack Johnson, Mat Kearney and John Mayer all of which unfortunately “sold-out” at some point throughout their careers. We are lucky that Brett Dennen has remained true to himself and that he has refused to conform to the mainstream and “water-down” his message. It has become apparent that Dennen doesn’t thrive off money, fame or the acceptance of others. Rather, Dennen loves the arts and strives for happiness and sharing his story with others.  The non-conformity that Dennen displays is what the fans love, and if Dennen were to “sell-out,” the fans would move on.
                Earlier this year, Loverboy was released by Dualtone Music Group. Overall, the album was a bit funkier and more light-hearted than prior releases. Stylistically, Loverboy seems like a 70’s album that had been misplaced, but like any great artist, album progression is a must. The album is the most up-beat to date, with hints of rock, pop, funk, reggae, folk, blues, etc. While this album is fun and catchy, I hope new fans take a listen to prior releases to get the whole “Dennen experience.”

The Concert
                My wife and I were front row center and multiple times throughout the show I could have reached out and touched Dennen’s proudly displayed bare feet (not that I would want to). Yes, we were that close. Anyway, I did not know what to expect from the show, but by the start of the concert the Orange Peel of Asheville, NC was quite packed.
                Honestly, I was not enthusiastic about the opening band Dawes while we waited. I had previewed their first album on-line and I was not impressed. Somehow, Dawes had managed to get positive reviews in concert, so I was in hopes that they would sound better live. I must admit, I was more impressed with Dawes than any opening artist I had ever seen in the past and more impressed than even some headliners. I was enthralled with the lyrics of Dawes so much that I couldn’t “get into the show.” I am looking forward to the release of their second album. I was shocked at how much Dawes resembled a young Springsteen, with a tinge of Wilco here or there.
                One Dawes lyric from the song “When My Time Comes” that stood out in my mind was “If heaven was all that was promised to me / why don’t I pray for death?” Another song titled “A Little Bit of Everything” and the Springsteen sounding “Fire Away” are definitely worth a listen from their forth coming album.
                By the time Dennen stepped on stage, you could feel energy radiating off the crowd. I have never seen an artist with such a receptive audience. Brett couldn’t smile or move without the fans going wild. The relationship between the fans and Brett goes much deeper than the lyrics or even the music. Brett is simply an amazing person that strives for peace, love and happiness above all else. The singer doesn’t care what others think about him. The lanky tall redheaded singer wears thrift store clothes and coke bottle glasses while dancing around shoeless.
                From the opening tune to the final encore song, the show was a celebration of all things life. Brett came out and began with a tune from his latest album titled “Dancing at a Funeral,” which discusses celebrating someone’s life rather than mourning their death. The final tune of the show was a single called “Blessed,” in which Dennen sings “Blessed is this life and I’m gonna celebrate being alive.” Even in song sequence, Dennen displayed brilliance and the beauty of music as an art.
                The audience was able to enjoy nearly every song off Loverboy and a nice mix of tunes from the prior three albums. Though I am not sure of the correct sequence, the setlist included:
                                Dancing at a Funeral
                                Make You Fall in Love with Me
She’s Mine
                                San Francisco
                                Comeback Kid (That’s My Dog)
                                Can’t Stop Thinking About You
Closer To You
                                Surprise, Surprise
                                Sydney (I’ll Come Running)
                                Must Be Losing My Mind
                                Darlin’ Do Not Fear
                                Song For Leaving
                                The One Who Loves You The Most
                                Little Cosmic Girl
                                Make You Crazy

                                Ain’t No Reason
                                Queen of the Westside
                Do not get me wrong, up until the encore the show was filled with great songs, but Dennen performing “Heaven” and “Ain’t No Reason” solo was most epic. To hear a mostly younger crowd singing “Heaven” in unison along with Brett was an amazing experience. To know that so many people get the message and relate to such a powerful song gives hope of a better world. I would say that it was like being amidst a praise and worship concert, but the message was Quite the polar opposite.
                At the start of the quirky song “Queen of the Westside,” Dennen announced his charity promotions with The Mosiac Project and Reverb. The night was completed with “Blessed,” which gave the audience on last chance to dance and celebrate life.
                I love that every fan knows every lyric to every song. The Orange Peel of Asheville is a great venue for an artist like Brett Dennen. Brett Dennen is perhaps the most humble and caring artist in today’s music scene. We have been given a hidden gem with Brett Dennen, so do not pass on a chance to enjoy the “Dennen experience.”

The Internal Being, Essentially

Everything often seems black and white, right and wrong. Stunning is that which is not easily deciphered. You wander endlessly in gray searching for a contrast change. Just a little hint of darker or lighter pigmentation to confirm a valid label. You study all aspects and dimensions in profuse detail and still your findings confirm: gray. All the time and effort, wasted for: gray.

In this life, you can pour your liquid heart into something you deem so extremely significant just to find that your pain and suffering didn't have an effect on the outcome or even confirm the validity of that ever elusive "thing." We do not interact with "it," persuade "it," or change "it." Rather, "it" interacts, persuades and changes us regardless of our actions, thoughts or beliefs. We have no control. "It" has not even given us "persuasive control." There is no power in wishful thinking. There's no positive thought or magical mumbling that even remotely persuades or effects natural law or scientific actions or reactions. We have physical preventers and the ability to mobilize or immobilize physical actions. However, our thoughts and intrapersonal conflicts are close circuited and cannot influence or synapse onto anyone but our own bodies.

Simplistic as it seems, our intrapersonal thoughts and ideas can synapse into external or physical actions which influence and relate with our social environment or other humans. But, keep in mind that we have not power in the mind that can directly change our environment, molding it into what our brain or imagination conjures up. Confidence, for example, is a positive tool. Not because it can change our negative environmental circumstances, but because it can cause us to react physically and courageously against that negative circumstance so that we can overcome opposition. Our confidence doesn't effect the environment, but our physical activity which is promoted and spurred by such cognitive function does have a direct relationship to the environment.

As previously stated, our internal functions are essentially "close-circuited." they have no communication with the "outside" or the natural scientific law. The only access of this internal circuit is to the physical stimulation of the external body. Even then, this external being (person)  is limited greatly by the natural scientific law. For example, our bodies are limited by the natural law of gravity. We have no control or effect on gravity, but it controls and effects us. 

We like to think of ourselves as having a "push and pull" relationship with "natural law," but this is far from true. Natural scientific law can push us, damage us and alter us, but can we damage it? Fight it? Or control it?..... No! As stated previously, we have no direct relationship with "it." In accordance with natural law, we age, mutate, and die. We can't fight it. We cannot slow it, other than by use of preventers that I mentioned earlier. We have no relationship to "it." However, "it" can come at our physical beings from all sides and crush our fragile bodies and frail minds like a soda can, but we can not inversely react towards it. We can not damage "it" or harm "it." We are most vulnerable creatures.

Our internal being can receive stimuli from beyond our imaginations, beyond our world and beyond reality. There is no limit to what the internal mind and spirit can create or be stimulated by. But the internal circuit cannot stimulate or communicate any farther than the physical exterior. In other terms, the supernatural or natural law is not limited in communication to man, but man is limited in communication with "it."

So, does this prove the existence of something supernatural? No, this just further explains how a god can never be proven. 

Does this prove natural law? Natural law doesn't have to be proven, because we interact, see and are limited by natural scientific law daily.

While the existence of god or the validity of the big bang theory remain gray, this somewhat proves how prayer or any other supernatural ability of man is absurd. As man's abilities are not god like, and are extremely limited by natural scientific law.

Whether or whether not you understood my previous writing, you have just experienced....

The Twilight Zone.