Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Masters of Manipulation

I find it difficult to decipher truth from exaggerated claims, like sifting for gold in a beach worth of sand. It is difficult to extract any amount of truth from the distortion of a grapevine controlled by the masters of manipulation. You must adjust your settings, decide how much you accept as solid fact from your sources. You must become just as sick and twisted as the feeder of the information to understand what portions are derived from some possible truth and what portions are extreme exaggerations or contrived speculations.

The problem is that individuals who feed from the souls of others are ones who deny facts. These masters of manipulation will continue to argue even when the truth is exposed or they will make claims that the grapevine was distorted prior to their own involvement. You have to be a psychologist to understand the levels of complexity and to make sense of what you hear. You must be strategic, as this complexity long surpasses any game of chess that I have ever become involved with.
Beware of the raging jealousy and exploitation of your actions. Know that the tiniest imperfection can lead to accusations of any sort. If you allow any opening, the demons will seek to destroy. Always try to minimize your involvement with the sources and ignore havens of ignorance and hypocrisy, as this is where you will find these dwellers and contrivers. Ignore their "barbed" statements and their attempts at your involvement. Do not lend fuel to their fire. When they make smart-ass statements or ones with hidden agendas, or not-so-subtle barbs, you must ignore such ignorance. They must think that others do not know their ways of deception, gossip and back-stabbing.

Watch as they strive to pass blame from one individual to another. And realize that as they manipulate an individual to you, that you also are being manipulated to someone else. This is a double-headed dragon you are battling. With two faces and one cause.

These individuals are ignorant and they do not only manipulate small forms of truth or make over-exaggerations, but often they create lies from no truth at all. For example, a jealous woman bickers about another woman out of jealousy claiming that “her boobs are fake” knowing damn good and well that the girls boobs are in fact natural. Just an example, of course, but do you see where lies were contrived from envy and how falseness can be contrived out of thin air. These people think that just because they can convince someone to believe something, that makes it true.
We must be certain when speaking about negative situations that we do not add our own spice to the story, but that we only speak what we know from experience. Only that which we have seen directly with our own two eyes. Speaking the truth is speaking the truth whether positive or negative, but there should be no time for adding our own speculations or making connections where there is clearly no connection.

These masters of manipulation believe that exploiting others will justify their own insanity. They believe that they can twist and distort facts about someone else to bring them down to their level. In fact, these individuals should raise themselves up to the point of those that they are wrongfully condemning. You see, instead of trying to judge and gossip and slander the innocent who live their lives with dignity and respect, you should rise to their level rather than trying to bring them down to your level of blood-sucking leeches. You should try to live your own life with dignity and respect instead.

Sure, no one’s life is perfect, but some people act like each little struggle in their life is the end of the world, and it may seem like it is fatal after they are finished spicing it up and over-exaggerating their problems, but these people are just weak in spirit. Everybody has good and bad days, and people get shit on by different things from time to time…. It’s a part of life. But don’t sit there and think in this day and time that you have it so much worse than everyone else…. You’re just weak. The true problems exist beyond our own personal lives, or at least they should. The economy…. That is a problem. The corruption in D.C… That’s a problem. How we treat other religions or societies…. That is an issue. How we judge the fate of another individual… That is a predicament. You see, you should have enough control over your own self that you can start worrying about bigger things… trying to fix bigger things. You must be strong. There are little petty problems that everyone has, but we must realize that it isn’t always about us and our own problems. We need to look beyond ourselves into how we can help others. And helping others doesn’t always involve holding our tongues to keep from pissing someone off.

Also keep in mind that there is a difference in the un-avoidable troubles of this life and self-inflicted wounds. Let me explain by using an example. Amy Winehouse. How is it that we try to patronize and sanctify such a name, even in death, without honesty? We cannot say that she tried to avoid addiction or help herself. We cannot act as though she didn’t deserve the consequences of her actions. She was an addict and she was quite aware of the fact and she had full control over her actions. But she didn’t care to help herself. And that type of lifestyle brings death. How did we even turn this woman in to a celebrity and condone her irresponsibility. The reason she became famous was due to a song called “Rehab,” which tells the story of how her record label tried to get her to seek help and she refused and dropped the record label instead. And we made her a household name and became promoters of her ignorance. Wow! Bad decisions are bad decisions and we need to learn to own up to that.
I can only imagine the things that are said about myself, not that these people even matter. For example, what do people speak of my research and search for wisdom? What do people say about someone like myself, who reads the Quran for knowledge? Do they say that I am a Muslim now? Eventhough, my full intentions of reading such a book is to better understand the struggles of the middle east. Do they act as if just because I read the book that it defines me as a person? Not realizing that people should read and research all things. Do they not realize informing yourself is always a good thing, I mean, it’s not like educating your yourself or researching subjects before having an opinion or making a conclusion is ever the wrong thing to do.

Also, do not act as if I have no right to hate Christianity, after all the hypocrisy and judgment that I have seen as a result of it. I have seen the feuds of denominations, I have seen the greed of pastors, I have seen churches ran like corporations, I have been taught upsurd lies, I have been falsly judged, I have seen church as social groups and the fear that they use as a tool. I have seen politicians and CEO’s cling to the doctrine, as well as racists and hate-mongers. I have seen sexual immorality in the churches and even Christian terrorists. I have seen Christianity used as a tool of politicians and the rich man. And shame on any man, after seeing what I’ve seen who will still back such idiocy. It disgusts me how people think that to be moral that you must be religious, when the most immoral people are religious. Christianity teaches forgiveness is possible for murderers, rapists, molesters, thieves, addicts, abusers and liars, whereas someone like myself just sees these things as “hey, these things are wrong, you don’t do them because there is no justification for such horrible deeds. There’s not enough money in the world or prayers upon the tongue that can erase such disgusting deeds.” Christianity teaches “hey, you’ve killed, cheated and stolen and that’s ok. Just pray and you’re done.” I don’t think so. Do you honestly think, just because someone like Casey Anthony, prays and is baptized that it makes everything okay? No! You see, you should keep your evil deeds to a minimum in this life because there is no redemption for such disgusting crimes. We should be teaching people that money can buy crimes or that religion can make your evil doings okay. There is no way to erase your memory and I hope that murderers, rapists, molesters, thieves, cheaters, liars, etc.. are eaten from the inside out with guilt. The normal man can control himself and refrain from such madness. And if you find yourself in the hands of the system, it’s your own fault. You choose the roads that you take.

I do not thrive on the approval of any other person. I speak what I see and I do not fear how others perceive me. I am honest and real. I do not choose to hide behind hypocrisy. What you see is what you get. I love my wife and daughter, I am not controlled by any substance or addiction. I live in peace and love helping others. I have a bright future and love learning and teaching others. I have the perfect life and the only thing that I would change is that I would give others a life as good as my own. The only thing more that I strive for is peace and equality for all. For happiness and good health for all.  I strive to help others and I care about others, but don’t you come to me with self-inflicted wounds. Grow up, mature and seek wisdom!

If anyone should get offended by this, so be it! It just means you are guilty. So let’s see… who’s guilty?!

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